Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Final Thoughts on the Second Day of Classes

Sad Thought: Adriana and I after shopping the 5th class of the day (and I was on my way to a sixth!)
Note: foul language alert. MCELL = Me cago en la leche (literally, I shit in the milk--a common swear here!).

Also, I left this out of my last post, but one of my regular university classes today was officially being taught by a professor whose contract expires...FRIDAY. Luckily the teacher who officially takes over next week came to teach anyways. Additionally, I attended a class in which the actual professor came in, introduced a guest lecturer, and left. Only in Spain! On the bright side, students are more respectful. One of my professors went a full 10 minutes over, and no one commented or got up to leave. I was impressed (though a bit worried I had gotten the schedule wrong)!

Happy Thought: My Señora recently corrected me, saying I could address her with the less formal "tú" instead of "usted"! This was very exciting! I would like to take this opportunity to explain why I love her so much. Carmen is hilarious. At 75, she essentially chain-smokes coca-cola. By this, I mean I never see her without some form of coke/diet coke/pepsi/diet pepsi (and it appears that she has no preference). She has even fashioned a form of cover so that she can save a can overnight in the case that she doesn't finish it. I have never seen her drink water, including in the morning. Additionally, the TV is on constantly (except when she's sleeping), and the radio is on 24/7 (yes, she sleeps with it). Most often, she sews in front of the TV with her radio by her side. The best part is that she impersonates the people on the TV/radio when they say something funny. In fact, I often can't help but burst out laughing. So thank you, Carmen, for making my stressful first few days of class just a bit better.

Second Spanish word of the day: caer = to fall (because I was just watching a TV show where the floor totally falls out from under the person who answers the question wrong)


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