Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sevilla's One and Only Cuáquero

Spanish word of the day: cuáquero = Quaker

A few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to attend Quaker meeting here in Sevilla. I quickly googled “cuáqueros sevilla,” but the only useful thing that came up was a blog on Quakers in Spain. I left a comment explaining that I was interested in attending a meeting in Sevilla and wanted to know where I could find one. The next day, I got an email from the blog writer explaining that he was, in fact, the entire Quaker community of Sevilla. He offered to meet up for coffee, and I accepted.

Thus, after lunch today, I drank tea with Luís. While I will spare you all the details, the most exciting part was that when he originally became interested in Quakerism, he took an intro to Quakerism course at Pendle Hill! For those of you who don’t know, Pendle Hill is a Quaker retreat center very close to Haverford, and it’s relatively well-known among Haverfordians. It seems that Luís really does want to come back to Pendle Hill, so I hope he can make it sometime in the next few years. I told him to email me if he was going to be in the area! Conclusion: it really is a small world.


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