During the summer of 2010, an exchange student from Granada lived with my family for a month. Her name is Isabel, and we were truly lucky to host her! She is a sweetheart, and I didn’t want to leave Spain without seeing her. As Isabel is currently studying in Madrid, I opted to spend a few nights with her before catching my flight back to the States. I’m so glad I did! She and her aunt and uncle hosted me, and I could not have asked for anything better. They drove me around, fed me, housed me, and showed me around the city. I even got to write down some recipes (I tried to do that with Carmen, but she makes way too many assumptions. For example, I’d ask, “Wait, Carmen, doesn’t this recipe also have garlic?” Response: “Well of course it does!” Me: “So does it have olive oil?” Carmen: “Everything I make has olive oil.”)
Anyways, I saw Plaza de España (in Madrid), Plaza del Sol (site of many of the recent protests that were a prototype for the Occupy campaign in the States), the main Cathedral, the palace, and a few other sites. Most importantly, Isabel treated me to my last dinner in Spain: jamón ibérico (ham cured in salt), a plate of absolutely incredible cheeses, and ox. Yes, I ate ox. For anyone who knows me well, that will come as a shock!
Today was goodbye Spain, hello USofA! I hope the reverse culture shock isn’t too bad ☺
besitos a todos,
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