Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rivers and Plazas

(Written 9/3)

Today was only my second full day in Spain, but it already feels like an eternity. I’m thinking in Spanish almost always, and I’m making a huge effort not to get frustrated by the slower pace—it’s hard! There are three separate trains of thought for this blog, so read whatever interests you:

Part I:
I have fallen in love with the river, el Río Guadalquivir. As I am crazy lucky in terms of the location of my homestay, I am just 2-3 blocks away from the river and the gorgeous boardwalk that runs parallel to it. I look forward to many hours of reading on the benches, and many walks both by myself and with others!

Alex and me in front of the bridge:

Part II:
This morning, I had plans to meet people at La Gran Plaza. I was planning to walk there, but jet lag kept me in bed a bit too late, so I took the metro. (I happen to live less than a block away from one). The good news is that Gran Plaza is also a metro stop, which seems particularly lucky when you consider the lack of a metro: there is only one line in all of Sevilla! Anyways, I had no idea how to buy the kind of ticket I needed, so I just chose one, paid, and left. As it turns out (of course), I bought the very wrong one. I paid 2.80 Euro when it would have cost me 82 cents if I’d managed to buy the right thing! It was worth it, however, to explore the market-type street and to chat with Adriana over 7-Up and orange soda. I have now successfully purchased the right kind of ticket!

Part III:
This afternoon, I had much time to kill. Since Adriana lent me a book, I decided it would be a good time to go to Parque María Luisa to find a nice, comfy bench. Unfortunately, the bench was feeling a bit too comfy, so I ended up going to Plaza de España. Annelise (who is from Haverford and recommended I visit this plaza) was totally and completely right—it’s absolutely gorgeous. I have every intention to spend some serious time there, especially with friends!

Plaza de España:

Spanish word of the day: cardena = necklace (because I wear mine every day)


P.S. I’m going to put all the pictures on Facebook, so check there if you’re interested!


  1. Plaza de Espana really does look gorgeous! Also, your train ticket story reminds me of your family's difficulty when getting on the Boston metro when I was visiting...

  2. thank you elizabeth! i am so excited to do jys sevilla in the spring!!

  3. AHHHH YOU'RE DOING JYS??? i will have to live vicariously through you. you're gonna LOVE it.
